Am I a Bad Mother for Kicking My Pregnant Daughter Out?

My tale has so many twists and turns I am so entangled in them, I don’t even know where to begin! I thought my daughter was on the right path going to college when she told me she was expecting! After accepting that spanner in the works, my child did something so bad that it forced my hand!

Hi everyone, I am Ella, and my daughter, Rose is 19 this year. I have a bit of a difficult tale to share and I want to know what everyone thinks. So, my teenage daughter has been with her boyfriend, Nathan, 20, for a year.

Okay, I am not going to lie, as a single parent who’s seen it and done it all, I had my reservations about Nathan. However, I was pleasantly surprised when he turned out to be a decent guy. I found myself warming up to him and seeing him as my second child in his own way.

Now I wasn’t too happy when I discovered something I didn’t want for her at that age. One day she came home to me and said, “Mom, I have to tell you something but you need to promise me that you won’t be upset.”

Of course, I already had my backup hearing that sentence. My mind started playing out all sorts of scenarios and I kicked myself for allowing Nathan to worm his way into my heart! I even blamed myself for letting my guard down with him.

Don’t ask me how, but I somehow knew he was involved in whatever my daughter wanted to share!

But, trying to be a good parent, all my misgivings didn’t show on my face. I calmly replied, “What is it baby, you know you can tell me anything?” Sighing and taking a deep breath, she shyly said:

“I am pregnant with Nathan’s baby. You’re going to be a grandmother.”

I was SO shocked! It hadn’t crossed my mind as a possibility for some reason. I mean, Rose was a baby herself but now she was going to be a mother! Disappointment passed through me as I imagined how much her life would change.

I envisioned all the things she would struggle with now that her college education would need to be put on hold.

I worried her education would have to be dropped entirely depending on what she and Nathan planned to do. Seeing the worry in my eyes, my daughter reassured me:

“I know you wanted me to secure my future first, but this baby and Nathan are a big part of it.”

She promised me that everything was going to be okay. So I yielded to the joy that came with the realization that I would be welcoming a grandchild soon! I got up and hugged her, congratulating her and Nathan. Pulling away, Rose then said:

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