Waiter Subtly Passes Man a Note to Prevent Him from Proposing to His Girlfriend – Today’s Highlight

A guy was about to propose to his girlfriend when he felt something get slipped into his pocket — it was a note from the waiter, but what did it say and why the subterfuge?

Roy was at his peak. The 24-year-old man, who had a lot of love for computers and digital tech, was a software developer who earned a lot of money for his products.

He was a pro at what he did, and his job gave him autonomy over how he spent his time. As a result, he was genuinely contented with his lot in life.

He had a girlfriend named Karen, whom he met more than six months ago. She was a beautiful woman with lush curves and ivory skin who also appeared to be smitten with him as much as he was with her.

Roy cared for himself, his woman, and his parents, who lived together under his roof. His folks liked Karen, and the feeling was mutual.

They had such a good relationship that the woman was more than happy to support and lend help whenever Roy was at work. Both his parents had arthritis, and some activities were beyond them, so Karen would often help.

Roy loved that she did that for his parents, and after a while, the smitten man started to consider her as a choice for marriage, and his parents were all for it.

“Took you long enough,” his mother, Lana, told him when he revealed his desire to marry Karen to her.

“You won’t get any objections here son,” his father said too, happy his son had finally found his soul mate.

Galvanized by their words, Roy decided to move forward with his plan. One day he went out and got a unique wedding band he knew Karen would like.

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