A Stray Cat Brings Her Entire Litter To See The Person Who Helped Her

On a hot summer day, Lisianne noticed a fluffy black cat ambling around her yard. She set out a bowl of food and water for the cat since it belonged to a colony of stray cats close to her house in Québec, Canada, and because it appeared hungry.

Usagi was given a name by Lisianne, and the two became used to one other. Each day, Usagi grew more and more trusting of Lisianne as she left out food for the waiting cat. Lisianne saw that Usagi’s tummy began to expand and that it wasn’t a result of her new diet.

“With this routine, the lady gained confidence and the kitty started getting close,” Chatons Orphelins Montréal, a local rescue group, wrote on Facebook. “The kitty gave birth outside, but she came back every day to eat.”

Weeks passed, and Usagi decided it was time to introduce Lisianne to her little family. The cat brought out her babies one by one until all six were lined up on Lisianne’s porch. The 6-week-old kittens looked like miniature versions of their mom, and it was clear that the little family needed help.

Lisianne lured the mother and babies inside her home and dialed the Montreal-based rescue organization Chatons Orphelins.

The mother and her six children were at last secure, according to Chatons Orphelins Montréal. One of her acquaintances adopted one of the kittens after “[Lisianne] chose to retain the mother and treated and spayed her.”

At the shelter, rescue workers discovered that Usagi had asked for help just in time. The remaining kittens were suffering from conjunctivitis and had difficulty breathing. The vet was able to treat them, and their health quickly improved. And as they healed, they started to grow accustomed to being around humans.

“The babies were reserved, they needed socialization,” Chatons Orphelins Montréal said. “They started trusting and coming out of their shell. The little ones love having fun together.”

The remaining five kittens are now ready to search for their forever homes, and thanks to their caring mom who took a chance, they will be able to live the rest of their lives in comfort.

Credits:  dailycats.us

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