Scared Stray Cat Changes As She Meets A New Born Baby

An extremely thin and wary Siamese cat who was attempting to live on the streets was observed earlier this year in and around Kingston, Ontario.

It was evident that months of living on the streets had left their mark on the stray cat when a Good Samaritan, worried for the cat’s health, was able to catch her.

Thankfully, there was a place nearby whose sole purpose was to help animals in need: Happy Tails Farm Sanctuary, run by Carla Reilly Moore and her husband, and home to so many animals who have managed to transcend their pasts of pain and neglect.

This cat, newly named Sapphire, had more than just fear to overcome: She had crusty, infected eyes and a strange limp. At the vet, it was discovered that the cat had no microchip and had a broken pelvis.

“It could’ve been a car, or she could’ve been kicked, we just don’t know,” Moore told The Dodo at the time. “She’s been suffering by herself, alone in the streets for two weeks without any pain medication.”

Moore had a lot on her plate. In addition to her regular duties at the sanctuary caring for all the rescued animals, she had recently given birth to a baby girl named Mary. Sapphire, though, was without a doubt the newest addition to the family.

And it turned out to be more difficult than expected to make the adjustment from being a timid street cat to a devoted family member.

Although we do not rescue domestic animals, Moore said that we mostly work with agricultural animals. “But for some reason, when we got the call asking for Sapphire, we just took her in. Without even realizing it, I found myself saying yes!”

Sapphire was initially frightened when Moore brought her home from the vet. She spent a full day hiding under the bed. Then, all of a sudden, she appeared, all set for a snuggle.

“Out of the blue she hopped up on our bed, quite awkwardly due to her pelvis, and went straight to my husband,” Moore said. “For the next couple of days she lavished my husband and then me while little Mary laid with us on the bed.”

As Sapphire was bonding with Carla, Carla was often taking care of Mary, holding her and nursing her. But that didn’t stop Sapphire from including herself. Indeed, the cat seemed more and more interested in the little newborn baby.

Like us, Mary has a passion for animals. She not only resides on a farm animal sanctuary, but midwives attended Mary’s home birth as well “Moore clarified. “It’s quite normal for her to always be surrounded by four-legged companions. However, a really particular relationship developed between Mary and Sapphire.”

Sapphire would initially just settle in next to Mary and get comfy. Moore remarked, “She would keep her distance yet keep a watchful eye on her.”

But after that, she began to inch closer. “We shortly observed that Sapphire appeared to begin defending the infant. She would get up and go over to Mary whenever the dog came by. It repeatedly occurred, “said Moore.

Then Sapphire started just snuggling up very close to Mary.

“We’ve never seen a cat do this before,” Moore said. “Their bond grew faster and faster. It was really unbelievable!”

Every time Sapphire curled up for a nap, she needed to be touching Mary.

“She just couldn’t seem to get close enough to her,” Moore said. “Then she started to wrap her arms around the baby. She’d snuggle her face right into Mary’s neck.”

Sapphire reaches out to Mary and searches for her when she can’t find her.

Mary is beginning to plainly show her affection for Sapphire now that she is 4 months old and has been cuddling with her since she was just 1 month old.

According to Moore, “Mary is now able to reach out and gently pat Sapphire, and Sapphire in turn rubs up and cuddles against Mary.”

“Mary, who is just 4 months old, recognizes “Kitty” and directs her gaze in her direction when you ask her where the cat is. She touches her with her hand. These individuals seem to have known one another for all time.”

Even though Moore and her family connect with their rescued farm animals every single day, she never expected that such a deep bond would develop so quickly between these two individuals.

“This is a true love story. It transcends time, transcends species and may even defy logic,” Moore said. “Some may say this kitty needed us — that she was drawn to us because we were able to help her … But we say we needed her. We didn’t know we needed her, but we really did.”



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