Woman Suspected Her Husband of Cheating with Their Cleaning Lady – The Reality Left Her Shocked

When John and Sarah throw themselves into their careers, they have little time for household chores. So, John hires a cleaner to make their lives easier. But the couple soon learn that they’ve invited drama into their home.

My husband, John, and I have always been very career-oriented. But recently, our careers have escalated, so we barely have time to ensure the upkeep of our home.

I’m an architect, constantly traveling between sites, and John is a software engineer, who can work from anywhere as long as he’s stuck to his computer.

John and I have a strong relationship. We’ve always enjoyed the “work hard, play harder” kind of life. We work hard and then have the best holidays when we can.

But recently, against my better judgment, I’ve begun to get suspicious of John.

About six months ago, he took a decisive step by hiring Vanessa, a cleaner recommended by a local agency.

“It’s just to help us around the house, Sarah,” he said, sipping his coffee one morning.

“I think we can manage,” I said, unsure that I wanted a stranger going through our home when we weren’t around.

“We’ve been so behind on laundry,” John said. “We have crazy hours. At least with the cleaner, we’ll be able to continue as normal, but the added bonus will be a clean house.”

Eventually, I gave in. I had to admit, I was tired of putting in laundry at night only to forget about it.

But then, things took a turn.

I knew that John preferred working from home.

“It’s just easier because I’m in my comfort space. And I can think better without the chatter of the colleagues,” he said.

After Vanessa joined the household as our cleaner, I noticed that John worked from home more. At first, I brushed it off, thinking it was just a coincidence, but I also knew that Vanessa was a stunning woman.

Instead of concentrating at work, I would overthink John’s activities at home, certain that he was cheating on me with Vanessa.

So, I did what I had to do.

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