Dad & Fiancée Exclude His Daughter from Their Wedding after She Bought a Dress & Shoes for It

In a startling twist, a young girl discovered that her father and his fiancée had chosen to exclude her from their wedding. The reasons behind their shocking decision remained a tantalizing mystery, compelling her to unravel the truth.

On August 15, 2023, an anonymous teenage girl took to Reddit’s “AITA” forum to share her story. Despite having a stronger connection with her mom, she had always been quite close to her dad. They typically spent time together three to four times a week.

Several years back, her dad started dating “Anna.” She and the girl always got along remarkably well. When her dad finally proposed to Anna, the young girl felt genuinely thrilled, as she seemed like the ideal stepmother.

However, a few weeks before the wedding, after the young girl had already invested in everything necessary for the event, including her dress and shoes, her dad and Anna approached her to discuss something important.

Having been close to her father for as long as she could remember, the young girl was shocked when he and her future stepmom suddenly expressed the need to “talk.”

What Happened?

Anna and the girl’s dad had made an unexpected decision regarding their wedding — it was to be a child-free event, a choice the girl understood, especially for younger kids. However, it turned out that “child-free” in their eyes meant excluding anyone under the age of 18, including her.

The situation hit the girl hard, as her 18th birthday was just two days after the wedding date. Despite this proximity, she found herself barred from attending the wedding. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing she would be officially an adult in just a few days.

The wedding occurred on August 12; her 18th birthday followed two days later. During this time, she had no communication with Anna or her dad, who had told her she couldn’t attend because she wasn’t yet an adult. Amid her frustration, her mom decided to take her on a birthday vacation, and on her birthday, she posted pictures on Facebook, declaring, “[Finally], an adult.”

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