When She Hears Her Little Girl’s Voice A Cat Who Has Been Missing For Months Comes Running

This cat, Tita, had been absent from her home for two long months, and the young girl who loved her most had been left without her. Her…

The Homeless Cat Visits The Woman Who Fed Her And Presents Her With Her Kittens

Shea A Prior made the decision to feed a stray cat she saw hanging out in her backyard a few months ago. This stray was initially timid,…

To encure that the elderly Walmart employee wouldn’t starve to death, this young man raised close to $190,000. Congrats!

This young man raised almost $190,000 so that the old Walmart employee could retire and not go hungry. Well done guy! A TikToker raised $186,000 for an…

Just In Time A Woman Rescues A Stray Street Cat

It is not an easy task for those who spend their time aiding Boston’s street cats. One of the things the volunteers of Boston’s Forgotten Felines (BFF)…

Happy Brithday Dolly Had 6 kittens Little ones while i was at work its wonderful to come home and hear the little mews

This is panther we ve been hanging out for a couple days getting to know eachother this kitten was found at a fram all by himself a couple weeks ago

She Pulled over to see if he was okay but when she approached him he began hobbling across the busy street somehow making it safely to the neutral ground before collapsing in the gras (adopting a cat)

Its With A Heavy Heart That I let You Know Cat Finn Passed Away Tonight1 we are devastated and his Foster Mom Jennifer @washougal_foster_kittens did everything possible for him He Was deeply Loved

Unfortunately I ve Caught All 3 Mc Kittens Suckling On Each Other So for now THey Are All In Their Own Private Apartments

Stray Cat Paws At Womans Door And Asks To Be Let Inside To Avoid Cold Weather