Cut the lemon this way and add salt. The solution to a big problem at home!

Fresh Lemons
Table Salt


Cut the Lemon in Quarters:
Start by cutting a fresh lemon into quarters. This cutting technique exposes the fleshy interior, allowing it to be easily manipulated for various applications.
Sprinkle with Salt:
Once you have the lemon quarters, sprinkle a small amount of table salt on the exposed flesh. The salt enhances the cleaning and deodorizing properties of the lemon.

**2. Cleaning and Deodorizing Solutions
Lemon-and-Salt Scrub:

The coarse texture of salt, combined with the acidity of lemon, creates a powerful scrub. Use the lemon-and-salt mixture to clean cutting boards, countertops, and kitchen surfaces. This natural scrub effectively removes stains and eliminates odors.

Copper and Brass Cleaner:

Dip the salted side of the lemon quarter into additional salt and rub it onto tarnished copper or brass items. The acid in the lemon, coupled with the abrasive action of the salt, helps remove tarnish and restore shine.

**3. Odor Elimination in the Kitchen
Garbage Disposal Freshener:

Drop a lemon quarter with salt down the garbage disposal. The grinding action helps distribute the refreshing scent while the salt acts as a natural abrasive, cleaning the disposal.

Refrigerator Deodorizer:

Place a salted lemon quarter on a small dish in the refrigerator. The lemon absorbs unpleasant odors, while the salt helps control humidity.

**4. Laundry Stain Remover
Fabric Stain Treatment:

For stubborn stains on clothing or fabric, rub the salted lemon quarter onto the stained area before laundering.

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