In a quiet suburban home, a devoted mother grappled with a heartbreaking dilemma as her boyfriend’s 12-year-old son continued to terrify their three-month-old daughter deliberately. Despite heartfelt pleas and warnings, the unsettling behavior persisted, pushing the mother to a breaking point.
On January 11, 2024, an anonymous female contributor took to the “AITAH” subreddit to discuss her distressing experience. After being diagnosed with postpartum depression (PPD), she questioned its influence on her actions.
The Original Poster (OP) had a six-year relationship with her boyfriend. He also had a 12-year-old son, Jake, and they had been living with OP for the previous two years. OP, who had owned her home for about a decade, was dealing with a difficult situation involving Jake’s actions toward their three-month little daughter.
Despite Jake’s obvious fondness for his sister, an unsettling pattern arose when he intentionally scared the infant. Jake would approach the baby, exclaim, “RA!” and laugh at her shocked reflexes. His laughing would be followed by fake apologies, stating that he didn’t mean to scare her.