I caught my fiancée cheating on me with my cousin, and later, at their wedding, I decided to get my revenge

In an unforgettable twist of fate, Alex discovered his long-time girlfriend and his cousin, whom he treated like a brother, betraying him in the most personal way. Despite the deep cuts of this betrayal, Alex found himself agreeing to play a pivotal role in their upcoming wedding, hiding his true intentions behind a mask of calm.

On a chilly day in March 2022, Alex took to Reddit’s “True Off My Chest” to unload the heavy story weighing on his heart. He began by describing his cousin Lucas, who had always been more like a sibling. “Lucas was someone I admired deeply. We were inseparable,” Alex shared.

At the same time, Alex was in a committed relationship with Sophie, a woman he truly loved and planned to marry. “Sophie was everything I wanted, and I was ready to spend my life with her,” he said. However, his idealistic view of his life was about to shatter.

The Heartbreaking Discovery
Returning home early from work one unexpected afternoon—a colleague had covered his shift—Alex described the surreal moment. “I got home, tired and ready to just relax,” he recounted. His exhaustion turned to shock when he entered his bedroom to find Sophie and Lucas together.

“I just stood there, frozen,” Alex recalled. The confrontation that followed was brief and intense.

Sophie, wrapped in a sheet, pleaded, “Alex, please, let’s talk about this. It’s not what it looks like!”

Lucas, equally shocked, could only muster, “Man, I’m so sorry, this—”

But Alex cut him off, “Save it. Both of you, just get out.”

Sophie left a note filled with apologies and a request for a conversation, but Alex responded with a firm text, directing her to collect her belongings from Lucas’ house. Over the next week, he silently handed over Sophie’s things, ignoring both her tears and Lucas’ attempts at apology.

An Unexpected Proposal
Three years of silence followed until Lucas called from an unknown number, cheerfully announcing his plans to marry Sophie and asking Alex to be the best man. “It was like a slap in the face,” Alex explained. Initially, he slammed down the phone, overwhelmed by anger.

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